Sycamore Tree Fruit


Sycamore Tree Fruit

sycamoreWhile in the yard this morning, I noticed brown, feathery looking somethings floating around me.

My first thought was that one of my four-legged friends has just killed a bird and the feathers were the aftermath.

I walked around the yard.  The dogs and cats all looked innocent and unmotivated and I didn’t find a lifeless bird or chicken.

Then a gust of wind blew, and I identified the feather source.  The big sycamore tree in the front yard was releasing its seeds.  Whew, there would be no casualties.

The fruit of the sycamore, which looks like small, bright green balls, develops in the summer.a pig named sue

In the fall, the leaves drop, and the fruit turns a light brown and hangs through winter until the weather starts to warm in the spring.

The tight balls open up, and the feathery seeds float off with plans to grow into a gray barked beauty like its creator.

sycamore seeds


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