First Swarm Capture


First Swarm Capture

We have two nucs on order, but as we learn more about this bee stuff, we wanted to see if we could capture some wild swarms.

Since it’s swarm season, Jason has been working diligently on some swarm traps and keeping an eagle eye out for swarms.

Sunday afternoon, as we were pulling away from the farm, he spots a swarm along a road treeline on a neighbor’s property.  Score!!!

After getting permission from the neighbor, we contacted a seasoned, local beekeeper who graciously agreed to help us capture the girls.

This swarm was conveniently located waist high on a honeysuckle bush, so the conditions were pretty ideal.

After a few branch cuts, the swarm was given one shake into a set of two medium hives joined together and which contained some pulled comb. We also rubbed lemongrass oil on the inside of the hive to improve the hive’s smell and added some sugar water.

As of tonight, the swarm was still in the hive, and our fingers are crossed that they will stay.

So, we have jumped from starting with two hives to possibly five!

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