Bees 101


Bees 101

bee_classWe signed up for a beginner bee class, and it was awesome!

I knew bees are interesting, but today, thanks to Dadant and some local beekeepers, I learned about them on a whole new level. These little gals are over-the-top intense in their approach to getting ahem…stuff done.

The guy bees, not so much.  They are clunky and slow, and in their short lives, they eat, have sex and then fall from the sky and die.

I learned that like gardening, this is a very scientific endeavor, and I’m packing my brain with weighted info before splurging on hives.

With experience and input from multiple, seasoned beekeepers now on our minds, we have a good idea on the type of hive, type of bee, type of waterer, etc. needed to get this project going.

Plans are to take an au naturel approach when it comes to feeding and maintenance. My goal is to not overthink the process (a trait stamped on my genes) and to let the bees live like bees.

We will post more details as we purchase hives and get our first nuc of bees!

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